termcolors: get rid of it, not using it anyways; mykblayouts: support disabling ctrl:nocaps

This commit is contained in:
Von Random 2019-08-24 21:34:55 +03:00
parent b5f65b02d5
commit fc7e5afe89
3 changed files with 3 additions and 192 deletions

View file

@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
(($#)) \
&& opts='grp:win_space_toggle,compose:menu' \
|| opts='grp:win_space_toggle,compose:menu,ctrl:nocaps'
# reset this before setting anything
setxkbmap us -option

View file

@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
#pylint: disable=C0111
import os
import re
import sys
import yaml
CONFNAME = '.termcolors.yaml'
'colorspec': '{};rgb:{}/{}/{}',
# 'fgspec': '10;rgb:{}/{}/{}',
# 'bdspec': '706;rgb:{}/{}/{}',
# 'bgspec': '11;rgb:{}/{}/{}',
'default': '\033]4;{}\033\\',
'screen': '\033P\033]4;{}\007\033\\',
'tmux': '\033Ptmux;\033\033]4;{}\007\033\\'
16: '#000000', 76: '#5fd700', 136: '#af8700', 196: '#ff0000',
17: '#00005f', 77: '#5fd75f', 137: '#af875f', 197: '#ff005f',
18: '#000087', 78: '#5fd787', 138: '#af8787', 198: '#ff0087',
19: '#0000af', 79: '#5fd7af', 139: '#af87af', 199: '#ff00af',
20: '#0000d7', 80: '#5fd7d7', 140: '#af87d7', 200: '#ff00d7',
21: '#0000ff', 81: '#5fd7ff', 141: '#af87ff', 201: '#ff00ff',
22: '#005f00', 82: '#5fff00', 142: '#afaf00', 202: '#ff5f00',
23: '#005f5f', 83: '#5fff5f', 143: '#afaf5f', 203: '#ff5f5f',
24: '#005f87', 84: '#5fff87', 144: '#afaf87', 204: '#ff5f87',
25: '#005faf', 85: '#5fffaf', 145: '#afafaf', 205: '#ff5faf',
26: '#005fd7', 86: '#5fffd7', 146: '#afafd7', 206: '#ff5fd7',
27: '#005fff', 87: '#5fffff', 147: '#afafff', 207: '#ff5fff',
28: '#008700', 88: '#870000', 148: '#afd700', 208: '#ff8700',
29: '#00875f', 89: '#87005f', 149: '#afd75f', 209: '#ff875f',
30: '#008787', 90: '#870087', 150: '#afd787', 210: '#ff8787',
31: '#0087af', 91: '#8700af', 151: '#afd7af', 211: '#ff87af',
32: '#0087d7', 92: '#8700d7', 152: '#afd7d7', 212: '#ff87d7',
33: '#0087ff', 93: '#8700ff', 153: '#afd7ff', 213: '#ff87ff',
34: '#00af00', 94: '#875f00', 154: '#afff00', 214: '#ffaf00',
35: '#00af5f', 95: '#875f5f', 155: '#afff5f', 215: '#ffaf5f',
36: '#00af87', 96: '#875f87', 156: '#afff87', 216: '#ffaf87',
37: '#00afaf', 97: '#875faf', 157: '#afffaf', 217: '#ffafaf',
38: '#00afd7', 98: '#875fd7', 158: '#afffd7', 218: '#ffafd7',
39: '#00afff', 99: '#875fff', 159: '#afffff', 219: '#ffafff',
40: '#00d700', 100: '#878700', 160: '#d70000', 220: '#ffd700',
41: '#00d75f', 101: '#87875f', 161: '#d7005f', 221: '#ffd75f',
42: '#00d787', 102: '#878787', 162: '#d70087', 222: '#ffd787',
43: '#00d7af', 103: '#8787af', 163: '#d700af', 223: '#ffd7af',
44: '#00d7d7', 104: '#8787d7', 164: '#d700d7', 224: '#ffd7d7',
45: '#00d7ff', 105: '#8787ff', 165: '#d700ff', 225: '#ffd7ff',
46: '#00ff00', 106: '#87af00', 166: '#d75f00', 226: '#ffff00',
47: '#00ff5f', 107: '#87af5f', 167: '#d75f5f', 227: '#ffff5f',
48: '#00ff87', 108: '#87af87', 168: '#d75f87', 228: '#ffff87',
49: '#00ffaf', 109: '#87afaf', 169: '#d75faf', 229: '#ffffaf',
50: '#00ffd7', 110: '#87afd7', 170: '#d75fd7', 230: '#ffffd7',
51: '#00ffff', 111: '#87afff', 171: '#d75fff', 231: '#ffffff',
52: '#5f0000', 112: '#87d700', 172: '#d78700', 232: '#080808',
53: '#5f005f', 113: '#87d75f', 173: '#d7875f', 233: '#121212',
54: '#5f0087', 114: '#87d787', 174: '#d78787', 234: '#1c1c1c',
55: '#5f00af', 115: '#87d7af', 175: '#d787af', 235: '#262626',
56: '#5f00d7', 116: '#87d7d7', 176: '#d787d7', 236: '#303030',
57: '#5f00ff', 117: '#87d7ff', 177: '#d787ff', 237: '#3a3a3a',
58: '#5f5f00', 118: '#87ff00', 178: '#d7af00', 238: '#444444',
59: '#5f5f5f', 119: '#87ff5f', 179: '#d7af5f', 239: '#4e4e4e',
60: '#5f5f87', 120: '#87ff87', 180: '#d7af87', 240: '#585858',
61: '#5f5faf', 121: '#87ffaf', 181: '#d7afaf', 241: '#606060',
62: '#5f5fd7', 122: '#87ffd7', 182: '#d7afd7', 242: '#666666',
63: '#5f5fff', 123: '#87ffff', 183: '#d7afff', 243: '#767676',
64: '#5f8700', 124: '#af0000', 184: '#d7d700', 244: '#808080',
65: '#5f875f', 125: '#af005f', 185: '#d7d75f', 245: '#8a8a8a',
66: '#5f8787', 126: '#af0087', 186: '#d7d787', 246: '#949494',
67: '#5f87af', 127: '#af00af', 187: '#d7d7af', 247: '#9e9e9e',
68: '#5f87d7', 128: '#af00d7', 188: '#d7d7d7', 248: '#a8a8a8',
69: '#5f87ff', 129: '#af00ff', 189: '#d7d7ff', 249: '#b2b2b2',
70: '#5faf00', 130: '#af5f00', 190: '#d7ff00', 250: '#bcbcbc',
71: '#5faf5f', 131: '#af5f5f', 191: '#d7ff5f', 251: '#c6c6c6',
72: '#5faf87', 132: '#af5f87', 192: '#d7ff87', 252: '#d0d0d0',
73: '#5fafaf', 133: '#af5faf', 193: '#d7ffaf', 253: '#dadada',
74: '#5fafd7', 134: '#af5fd7', 194: '#d7ffd7', 254: '#e4e4e4',
75: '#5fafff', 135: '#af5fff', 195: '#d7ffff', 255: '#eeeeee'
def get_colors():
colors = {'default': DEFAULT}
confpath = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], CONFNAME)
with open(confpath) as conf:
except FileNotFoundError:
err = 'Config file {} is missing.\n'.format(confpath)
colorscheme = sys.argv[1]
assert colorscheme in colors
except (AssertionError, IndexError):
err = 'Usage: {} {{{}}}\n'.format(sys.argv[0], '|'.join(colors.keys()))
return colors[colorscheme]
def main():
colorscheme = get_colors()
if 'tmux' in os.environ['TERM']:
terminal = 'tmux'
elif 'screen' in os.environ['TERM']:
terminal = 'screen'
terminal = 'default'
def colorlist():
for color in colorscheme:
rgb = re.findall('[0-9a-fA-F]{2}', colorscheme[color])
yield ESCAPES['colorspec'].format(color, *rgb)
colorstring = ESCAPES[terminal].format(';'.join(colorlist()))
if __name__ == '__main__':

View file

@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
17: '#091f2e'
18: '#0a3749'
24: '#245361'
44: '#33859E'
60: '#4e5166'
67: '#888ca6'
78: '#2aa889'
81: '#599cab'
122: '#99d1ce'
124: '#c23127'
194: '#d3ebe9'
214: '#edb443'
232: '#0c1014'
233: '#11151c'
24: '#076678'
66: '#427b58'
72: '#689d6a'
88: '#9d0006'
96: '#8f3f71'
100: '#79740e'
106: '#98971a'
108: '#8ec07c'
109: '#83a598'
124: '#cc241d'
130: '#af3a03'
132: '#b16286'
136: '#b57614'
142: '#b8bb26'
166: '#d65d0e'
167: '#fb4934'
172: '#d79921'
175: '#d3869b'
208: '#fe8019'
214: '#fabd2f'
223: '#ebdbb2'
228: '#f2e5bc'
229: '#fdf4c1'
230: '#f9f5d7'
234: '#1d2021'
235: '#282828'
236: '#32302f'
237: '#3c3836'
239: '#504945'
241: '#665c54'
243: '#7c6f64'
244: '#928374'
245: '#928374'
246: '#a89984'
248: '#bdae93'
250: '#d5c4a1'
00: '#073642'
01: '#dc322f'
02: '#859900'
03: '#b58900'
04: '#268bd2'
05: '#d33682'
06: '#2aa198'
07: '#eee8d5'
08: '#002b36'
09: '#cb4b16'
10: '#586e75'
11: '#657b83'
12: '#839496'
13: '#6c71c4'
14: '#93a1a1'
15: '#fdf6e3'