" various settings set nobackup nomodeline backspace=indent,eol,start foldmethod=marker cursorline mouse= " hidden characters set list listchars=tab:\|_,nbsp:x,trail:* " search set hlsearch incsearch ignorecase smartcase " scroll before reaching the first / final line set scrolloff=3 sidescrolloff=15 sidescroll=1 " disable bell set noerrorbells visualbell t_vb= " indentation set tabstop=3 softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 smarttab expandtab autoindent " termcap fixes set t_Co=256 t_ut= termencoding=utf-8 encoding=utf-8 " status line set wildmenu showcmd ruler laststatus=2 set statusline=[%F]\ %R%H%W%M\ %=[%{&fenc}/%{&ff}]\ %y\ [%4l/%L:%3v] " update window title if $TERM =~ '^screen' set t_ts=k set t_fs=\ endif set title titlestring=[%{hostname()}]\ %t\ -\ vim " enable case indentation let g:sh_indent_case_labels=1 " version specific settings if v:version >= 703 set colorcolumn=80 relativenumber formatoptions+=j endif " maps "leader map let mapleader="\" "no more F1 noremap xnoremap snoremap inoremap lnoremap cnoremap "some toggles nnoremap l :setlocal list! nnoremap c :setlocal cursorline! nnoremap w :setlocal wrap! "turn off highlight until next search nnoremap / :noh "copy to / paste from clipboard vmap y "+y vmap d "+d nmap p "+p nmap P "+P vmap p "+p vmap P "+P "move macro somewhere I won't accidentally use it noremap q "quit / save nnoremap q :q nnoremap s :w if v:version >= 800 set breakindent " easy-align options xmap a (EasyAlign) nmap a (EasyAlign) " enable packs based on filetype let g:ale_python_flake8_executable = 'python2' autocmd FileType python packadd ale autocmd FileType sh packadd ale if $TERM != 'linux' let g:solarized_extra_hi_groups = 1 let g:solarized_use16 = 1 colorscheme solarized8 endif endif syntax on filetype plugin on