# shellcheck shell=bash # If not running interactively, don't do anything [[ $- != *i* ]] && return HISTSIZE=1000 HISTFILE="$HOME/.bash_history.$UID" HISTCONTROL=ignoredups shopt -s histappend checkwinsize autocd export LESS='i M R' export PAGER=less export EDITOR=vim export TIME_STYLE=long-iso export SSH_AUTH_SOCK="$HOME/.ssh/ssh_auth_sock" PS1='\[\e[0m\][ \u@\h \[\e[34m\]\w\[\e[0m\] ]\n\$ ' unalias ls ld ll 2>/dev/null beep() { printf "\007"; } fixterm() { printf "\u001bc"; } diff() { command diff --color "$@"; } tailf() { command less +F "$@"; } rgrep() { command grep --exclude-dir=\.git -R "$@"; } whence() { command -v "$@"; } # ls ls() { command ls --color=auto "$@"; } ll() { ls -alh "$@"; } ld() { ls -dlh "$@"; } # git gci() { command git commit "$@"; } gsl() { command git stash list "$@"; } gss() { command git status -sbu "$@"; } gup() { command git pull "$@"; } groot() { cd "$(command git rev-parse --show-cdup)" || return 1; } ggrep() { command git grep "$@"; } gsi() { command tig status; } # tmux tmux() { command tmux -2 "$@"; } atmux() { tmux attach; } # sudo sush() { command sudo -Es; } # bash-completion completion_path='/usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion' [[ -r "$completion_path" ]] && source "$completion_path" # we want to see exit code on error (it also has to be the last entry here) trap_msg='\e[31m>>\e[0m exit \e[31m%s\e[0m\n' trap 'printf "$trap_msg" "$?" >&2' ERR