# If not running interactively, don't do anything [[ $- != *i* ]] && return # {{{ settings # disable the bloody ^S / ^Q, I use tmux all the time anyway stty -ixon setopt APPEND_HISTORY EXTENDED_HISTORY HIST_IGNORE_DUPS EXTENDED_GLOB AUTO_CD AUTO_PUSHD PRINT_EXIT_VALUE unsetopt BEEP NO_MATCH NOTIFY MENU_COMPLETE AUTO_MENU SAVEHIST=1000 HISTSIZE=1000 HISTFILE=$HOME/.histfile.$UID export LESS='-R' export PAGER=less export EDITOR=vim export TIME_STYLE=long-iso export SSH_AUTH_SOCK="$HOME/.ssh/ssh_auth_sock" autoload -Uz compinit edit-command-line zle -N edit-command-line # completion compinit zstyle ':completion:*' completer _list _complete _ignored zstyle ':completion:*' insert-unambiguous true zstyle ':completion:*' file-sort name zstyle ':completion:*' format 'Completing %d' zstyle ':completion:*' group-name '' zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors '' zstyle ':completion:*' list-prompt '%SAt %p: Hit TAB for more, or the character to insert%s' zstyle ':completion:*' list-suffixes true zstyle ':completion:*' original true zstyle ':completion:*' select-prompt '%SScrolling active: current selection at %p%s' zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{[:lower:][:upper:]}={[:upper:][:lower:]}' zstyle ':completion:*' rehash true zstyle ':completion:*:kill:*:processes' command 'ps --forest -A -o pid,user,cmd' zstyle ':completion:*:processes-names' command 'ps axho command' zstyle ':completion:*:default' list-colors ${(s.:.)LS_COLORS} # }}} # {{{ key bindings bindkey -e # urxvt bindkey '^[[7~' beginning-of-line # home bindkey '^[[8~' end-of-line # end bindkey '^[Oc' forward-word # ctrl + right bindkey '^[Od' backward-word # ctrl + left bindkey '^[[3^' delete-word # ctrl + del # screen bindkey '^[[1~' beginning-of-line # home bindkey '^[[4~' end-of-line # end # xterm bindkey '^[[H' beginning-of-line # home bindkey '^[[F' end-of-line # end # st bindkey '^[[P' delete-char # del bindkey '^[[M' delete-word # ctrl + del # most of them (but not urxvt) bindkey '^[[1;5C' forward-word # ctrl + right bindkey '^[[1;5D' backward-word # ctrl + left bindkey '^[[3;5~' delete-word # ctrl + del # all of them bindkey '^[[5~' backward-word # page up bindkey '^[[6~' forward-word # page down bindkey '^[[3~' delete-char # del bindkey '^[m' copy-prev-shell-word # alt + m bindkey -s '^j' '^atime ^m' # ctrl + j # command line editing bindkey '^x^e' edit-command-line # }}} # {{{ prompt prompt_fmt='%%k%%f[ %s %s:%s %s]\n> ' prompt_fmtn='%%k%%f[ %%{\e[2;3m%s\e[0m%%} ]> ' prompt_user='%F{%(!.red.blue)}%n%f' prompt_host='%m' prompt_cwd='%F{green}%d%f' prompt_git_fmt='\ue0a0 %s %s%%f ' prompt_state_file=${RUN_DIR:-/run/user/$UID}/zsh_gitstatus_$$.tmp printf -v PROMPT $prompt_fmt $prompt_user $prompt_host $prompt_cwd '' printf -v PROMPT2 $prompt_fmtn '%_' printf -v PROMPT3 $prompt_fmtn '?#' printf -v PROMPT4 $prompt_fmtn '+%N:%i' precmd.title() { case $TERM in (screen*) printf '\033k%s\033\\' ${HOST%%.*};; (*) printf '\033]2;%s\007' ${HOST%%.*};; esac } precmd.is_git_repo() { read -r git_dir < <(git rev-parse --git-dir 2>/dev/null) if ! ((?)); then [[ -e $git_dir/nozsh ]] && return 1 return 0 fi return 1 } precmd.git() { typeset raw_status raw_status=$(flock -w 0 $prompt_state_file git --no-optional-locks status --porcelain -bu 2>/dev/null) (($?)) && return 0 typeset branch_status git_status IFS= typeset staged_count=0 unstaged_count=0 untracked_count=0 unmerged_count=0 while read line; do if [[ $line[1,2] == '##' ]]; then branch_status=${line[4,-1]%%...*} [[ $line =~ behind ]] && branch_status+=? [[ $line =~ ahead ]] && branch_status+=! fi [[ $line[1,2] == '??' ]] && (( untracked_count++ )) [[ $line[1,2] =~ .[MD] ]] && (( unstaged_count++ )) [[ $line[1,2] =~ [MDARC]. ]] && (( staged_count++ )) [[ $line[1,2] =~ [ADU]{2} ]] && (( unmerged_count++ )) done <<< $raw_status (( unstaged_count )) && git_status+=%F{yellow}~$unstaged_count (( staged_count )) && git_status+=%F{blue}+$staged_count (( untracked_count )) && git_status+=%F{red}-$untracked_count (( unmerged_count )) && git_status+=%F{cyan}*$unmerged_count [[ -z $git_status ]] && git_status=%F{green}ok printf $prompt_git_fmt $branch_status $git_status > $prompt_state_file } precmd.prompt() { printf -v PROMPT $prompt_fmt $prompt_user $prompt_host $prompt_cwd $1 } precmd.git_update() { precmd.git kill -s USR1 $$ } precmd() { precmd.title if precmd.is_git_repo; then precmd.prompt $'\ue0a0 ... ' precmd.git_update &! else precmd.prompt '' fi } TRAPUSR1() { precmd.prompt "$(<$prompt_state_file)" zle && zle reset-prompt } TRAPEXIT() { [[ -f $prompt_state_file ]] && rm $prompt_state_file } # }}} # {{{ aliases beep() { printf $'\007' } fixterm() { printf $'c' } diff() { command diff --color $@ } tailf() { command less -R +F $@ } rgrep() { command grep --exclude-dir=\.git -R $@ } # ls ls() { command ls --color=auto --group-directories-first $@ } if [[ -x $(whence -p exa) ]]; then ll() { command exa -lag --group-directories-first $@ } else ll() { command ls -lha --color=auto --group-directories-first $@ } fi # git gci() { command git commit $@ } gsl() { command git stash list $@ } gss() { command git status -sbu $@ } gup() { command git pull $@ } groot() { cd $(command git rev-parse --show-toplevel) || return 1 } ggrep() { command git grep $@ } gsi() { command tig status } # tmux tmux() { command tmux -2 $@ } atmux() { tmux attach || tmux } # sudo sush() { command sudo -Es } # vim vi() { command vim $@ } # package management if [[ -x $(whence -p paru) ]]; then pacman() { command paru $@ } yay() { pacman $@ } fi # }}} # {{{ plugins # grc if [[ -x $(whence -p grc) ]]; then cmds=(\ cc configure cvs df dig gcc gmake id ip last lsof make mount \ mtr netstat ping ping6 ps tcpdump traceroute traceroute6 \ ) for cmd in $cmds[@]; do alias $cmd="command grc -es --colour=auto $cmd" done unset cmds cmd fi # some cool git stuff gdiff() { command git diff --color $@; } if [[ -x $(whence -p diff-so-fancy) ]]; then gdf() { gdiff $@ | command diff-so-fancy | command less --tabs=4 -RSFX } else gdf() { gdiff $@ } fi greset() { echo "OK to reset and clean teh repo?" read -sq _ (( $? )) && return 1 /usr/bin/git clean -fd /usr/bin/git reset --hard } # }}}