# I am config font_family Cascadia Code PL font_size 13 font_features CascadiaCodePL-Italic +ss01 box_drawing_scale 0.1, 0.5, 1, 1.5 disable_ligatures cursor cursor_shape underline cursor_underline_thickness 3.0 cursor_blink_interval 0 enable_audio_bell no strip_trailing_spaces always open_url_withopen_url_with default wayland_titlebar_color #2f343f window_padding_width 1 placement_strategy top-left remember_window_size no initial_window_width 120c initial_window_height 30c map alt+c copy_to_clipboard map ctrl+alt+c copy_to_clipboard map alt+v paste_from_clipboard map ctrl+alt+v paste_from_clipboard mouse_map left click ungrabbed mouse_click_url_or_select mouse_map alt+left press ungrabbed mouse_selection rectangle # Gruvbox Dark #selection_foreground #282828 #selection_background #83a598 #foreground #ebdbb2 #background #282828 #cursor #fb4934 #cursor_text_color #282828 # #color0 #282828 #color1 #cc241d #color2 #98971a #color3 #d79921 #color4 #458588 #color5 #b16286 #color6 #689d6a #color7 #a89984 # #color8 #928374 #color9 #fb4934 #color10 #b8bb26 #color11 #fabd2f #color12 #83a598 #color13 #d3869b #color14 #8ec07c #color15 #ebdbb2 # Solarized Light #selection_foreground #fdf6e3 #selection_background #268bd2 #foreground #657b83 #background #fdf6e3 #cursor #cb4b16 #cursor_text_color #fdf6e3 # #color0 #073642 #color1 #dc322f #color2 #859900 #color3 #b58900 #color4 #268bd2 #color5 #d33682 #color6 #2aa198 #color7 #eee8d5 # #color8 #002b36 #color9 #cb4b16 #color10 #586e75 #color11 #657b83 #color12 #839496 #color13 #6c71c4 #color14 #93a1a1 #color15 #fdf6e3 # Selenized dark color scheme for Kitty #: Color scheme {{{ #: The foreground and background colors foreground #adbcbc background #103c48 #: The opacity of the background. A number between 0 and 1, where 1 is #: opaque and 0 is fully transparent. This will only work if #: supported by the OS (for instance, when using a compositor under #: X11). Note that it only sets the default background color's #: opacity. This is so that things like the status bar in vim, #: powerline prompts, etc. still look good. But it means that if you #: use a color theme with a background color in your editor, it will #: not be rendered as transparent. Instead you should change the #: default background color in your kitty config and not use a #: background color in the editor color scheme. Or use the escape #: codes to set the terminals default colors in a shell script to #: launch your editor. Be aware that using a value less than 1.0 is a #: (possibly significant) performance hit. If you want to dynamically #: change transparency of windows set dynamic_background_opacity to #: yes (this is off by default as it has a performance cost) background_opacity 1.0 #: Allow changing of the background_opacity dynamically, using either #: keyboard shortcuts (increase_background_opacity and #: decrease_background_opacity) or the remote control facility. dynamic_background_opacity no #: How much to dim text that has the DIM/FAINT attribute set. One #: means no dimming and zero means fully dimmed (i.e. invisible). dim_opacity 0.625 #: The foreground for text selected with the mouse. A value of none #: means to leave the color unchanged. selection_foreground none #: The background for text selected with the mouse. selection_background #325b66 #: Tab bar colors active_tab_foreground #cad8d9 active_tab_background #325b66 inactive_tab_foreground #72898f inactive_tab_background #103c48 tab_bar_background #103c48 #: The 16 terminal colors. There are 8 basic colors, each color has a #: dull and bright version. You can also set the remaining colors from #: the 256 color table as color16 to color255. #: black color0 #174956 color8 #325b66 #: red color1 #fa5750 color9 #ff665c #: green color2 #75b938 color10 #84c747 #: yellow color3 #dbb32d color11 #ebc13d #: blue color4 #4695f7 color12 #58a3ff #: magenta color5 #f275be color13 #ff84cd #: cyan color6 #41c7b9 color14 #53d6c7 #: white color7 #72898f color15 #cad8d9 #: }}}