# # Original maintainer: Vesa Kaihlavirta <vegai@iki.fi> # Original maintainer: Alexander Rødseth <rodseth@gmail.com> # Contributor: Kristoffer Fossgård <kfs1@online.no> # Contributor: clonejo <clonejo@shakik.de> # Contributor: Daniel Micay <danielmicay@gmail.com> # # This is the modified version of the original archlinux terminus-font # to incorporate most of the patches that I find really useful: # br1 just for the sake of it # dv1 because handwritten versions in a computer font suck # ij1 because и ≠ u, need a way to tell them apart # ll2 because ilI1 # td1 because tilda should be in the middle pkgname=terminus-font-patched _pkgname=terminus-font pkgver=4.40 pkgrel=2 pkgdesc='Monospace bitmap font (for X11 and console)' arch=('any') url='http://sourceforge.net/projects/terminus-font/' license=('GPL2' 'custom:OFL') makedepends=('xorg-bdftopcf' 'fontconfig' 'xorg-mkfontscale' 'xorg-mkfontdir') optdepends=('xorg-fonts-alias') depends=('fontconfig' 'xorg-fonts-encodings' 'xorg-font-utils') install='terminus-font-patched.install' source=("http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/$_pkgname/$_pkgname-$pkgver/$_pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz") provides=($_pkgname) conflicts=($_pkgname) sha256sums=('64f52c24d3f1c1e39f21e6c43077a9be3e21d4384f176f5766c00558ba670711') prepare() { chmod +x "$_pkgname-$pkgver/configure" } build() { cd "$_pkgname-$pkgver" patch -p0 -i alt/br1.diff patch -p0 -i alt/dv1.diff patch -p0 -i alt/ij1.diff patch -p0 -i alt/ll2.diff patch -p0 -i alt/td1.diff ./configure --prefix=/usr --x11dir=/usr/share/fonts/misc \ --psfdir=/usr/share/kbd/consolefonts make } package() { make -C "$_pkgname-$pkgver" DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install install -Dm644 "$srcdir/$_pkgname-$pkgver/75-yes-terminus.conf" \ "$pkgdir/etc/fonts/conf.avail/75-yes-terminus.conf" install -Dm644 "$srcdir/$_pkgname-$pkgver/OFL.TXT" \ "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$_pkgname/LICENSE" install -d "$pkgdir/etc/fonts/conf.d" cd "$pkgdir/etc/fonts/conf.d" ln -s ../conf.avail/75-yes-terminus.conf . } # getver: terminus-font.sf.net # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: